Enhancing Accessibility to High-Resolution Satellite Imagery: A Novel Deep Learning-Based Super-Resolution Approach
The increasing availability of open access in space remote sensing has democratized access to satellite imagery. However, high-resolution imagery remains limited to those with advanced space technology expertise. To address this limitation, this research paper introduces a novel approach for enhancing the quality of Sentinel-2 satellite images by leveraging deep learning techniques for super-resolution. This approach offers a comprehensive solution that significantly improves the spatial resolution (scaling factor 8), considering the volumetric constraints and spectral band dependencies inherent in satellite imagery. The proposed model harnesses the power of deep convolutional networks (CNN) and incorporates cutting-edge concepts such as Network In Network, end-to-end learning, multi-scale fusion, neural network optimization, acceleration, and filter transfer. In addition to the advanced model architecture, an efficient mosaicking technique is employed to further enhance the super-resolution of satellite images. The model also accounts for inter-spectral dependencies and carefully selects training data to optimize performance. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm rapidly and effectively restores intricate details in satellite images, surpassing several state-of-the-art methods. Thorough benchmarking against various neural networks and extensive experimentation on a meticulously curated dataset validate the superior performance of the proposed solution. It delivers impressive visual and perceptual quality and exhibits enhanced inference speed. This research opens new avenues for improved accessibility and utilization of high-resolution satellite imagery.
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