Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques (JETT) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, and free-of-charge journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of environmental treatment technologies. JETT is an Open Access Journal Database for the high visibility and promotion of your articles. JETT is steered by a distinguished Editorial Board and is supported by an international Advisory Board and Reviewer Team consisting of prominent individuals representing many well-known universities, colleges, and corporations of Spain, Iran, South Korea, India, Romania, Poland, the USA, and other countries. To maintain a high-quality journal, manuscripts that appear in the JETT Articles section have been subjected to a rigorous review process. This includes blind reviews by three or more members of the international editorial review team, followed by a detailed review by the JETT editors. The Journal welcomes original research contributions (previously unpublished) from all established areas of civil and environmental engineering. This journal is financed by Dorma Journal publisher and Jami Institute of Technology. Scope of this journal are:

  • Soil treatment technologies
  • Air treatment technologies
  • Water treatment technologies
  • Wastewater treatment technologies
  • Solid waste treatment technologies
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Noise pollution
  • Environmental Biotechnology
  • Environmental Microbiology


The journal has been indexed by the following databases:



11th percentile
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JETT has joined Reviewer Creditsthe most comprehensive platform to certify, measure, and reward the activity of scientists as Peer Reviewers and as Conference Speakers. Each review you will perform for JETT will be validated by the Editor and will entitle you to virtual credits, which can be used to obtain benefits offered by ReviewerCredits partners. We invite you to register on the ReviewCredits platform and claim reviews performed for JETT. This service is provided free of charge. This innovative collaboration representfor us a crucial effort and a great step forward for higher recognition of editorial activities, contributing to a comprehensive re-thinking and a global innovation of the academic editorial worldReviewerCredits is a startup company, launched in 2017, accredited by the University of Milan-Bicocca. Its core business is the development, maintenance, and upgrade of an online platform that has the purpose of certifying peer reviews and conference talks. It is listed as an innovative startup in the Italian company register.